Lecture starts at 9AM today. Left the house at 810am, and the same thing happened as before. bus 53 and 45 past me while I was waiting for the green man. Lugged my HEAVY LAPTOP+ file+ sling bag to school, which made me super inaccessible(couldnt run to chase the bus)and cranky(SO heavy!)... Boarded an almost packed bus, squeezed into the 2nd train as the first one was too fulll. Ohmy, my left arm muscle was aching like madd. Bus 23 tooook A LONG TIME to come. And so... I reached school at 940AM. haha... Looks like Im going to be
LATE every tues and weds..
Went to library to play CS after school. Then off to bugis to watch movie.
P.S [ SRY D and S for pangseiing the studying plann! But I hear you all didnt study in the end right??] The show was at 510pm, and it was already 430 when the rest(Hadi,gerald,zhafir) called us to tell us that our ezlink cards were needed for student price. So.. fathin and I cabbed all the way down to bugis, costing us $11.30! So expensivee. Entered the theatre to catch X-Files! Omgomg. the show's soo boring that I slept. However, was awaken by fathin... Oh and the show's grosssss and sickk.
Phedolphile(or however it's spelt) psychic priest, crazy russian people, ugly and scary victims with horribly high nose bridgess, ugly leads..... haha. And there was this part whereby the FBI woman fell from very high landing on a sharp object, and was eventually stabbed to death. I was like "OMGOMG"
damn loudly... haha. I was actually covering my eyes during many parts of the movie, when it's only PG. hmmmms, Based on THE STRANGERS AND X FILES,
I HAVE COME TO A CONCLUSION: Victoria is not suited to watch thriller/horror/ghost/scary movies, even if it is super mild.... "I have no balls!" haha
Went opposite bugis to have dinner, then trained home. The train was
extremely packedddddd. I was practically sandwiched inbetween an old and a younger man, with my shoulder pressing against the door..
I hate PEAK HOURS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORT!!! I WANT A CHAUFFEUR! vrooom vrooooom~ Took to aljunid station and 62 home. hahaa I boarded 62 which went
one whole round around geylang area and later back to the station but on the
opposite side of the bus stop. lol. All the shops look sooo YUMMYY! I felt like alighting the bus to have second rounds. haha.
I want to visit GEYLANG for FOOODDD. anyone care to join/bring me?Anyways, I made a bet with someone that
TODAY was the last day of playing/slacking.Victoria seriously needs to start studying in order not to fail her exams which are less than a month's time.Goodbye play. Hello work!