Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi there dead blog!
Well, it's the holidays now and I am NOT working.
My life is pretty boring nowadays. Sleeping in the early morning and waking up in the afternoon.
Saturday was Zouk with R and J which was pretty baddd... and thus, we left for town.

Anyways, I finally got down to tidying up my messy cupboard today. Emptied all my clothes onto my bed in the afternoon. Carried the ironing board and iron over to my room. Ohmy. I felt like a maid today. Fold/ hang/ iron..yupps. Left halfway for ICA building to collect my ugly biometric passport. Came back home for dinner. Tv-ed all the way. Im not done with the tidying and my nose is killing me. damnittt.

My mummy is so funny. She's playing my sister's PSP! omgomg yes Im serious! haha. SUDOKU mann. cool stuff.

Alright. This post is so random. Gotta clear all my soaked and disgusting tissues now, before dumping the remaining clothes from my bed to somewhere else, then popping in my drowsy medicine and *poof*, off to dreamland.

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